
Wednesday 13 June 2012

Anything can create money.
But are we willing to do anything?
Remember, the very best thing in LIFE is FREE.
Unfortunately, nothing is COMPLETELY FREE.

Thursday 17 May 2012

To All The People Who........
Do you know me? Of who i am? Or what am i?
Thank you.
Whatever is your answer, i thank you. For whatever opinion you do have about me, that show to me of who you are.

Monday 7 May 2012

FUCK ALL OF YOU WHO keep talking bad about me! You give me cowshit i give you fucking insanely look!
What a Life? That is completely strange question for a living human being like me nor you who are reading this right at this moment. Is it that good or is it very good or is it just a nice feeling to talk about others? Is it considered normal as a human being to talk bad about others?
It's must be good! That is why some bloody fucking human isn't just forgetting that they are no different from the cowshit from the moment they talk bad things about me. They give me shit, i give them fucking insanely look. To what good do i get to give them smile? This is what i want to say to them.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Sa rasa betul2 macam orang gila kerja dengan orang2 tradisional ni...kepala otak tradisional action pun tradisional betul...langsung tidak up to date.......bukan setakat out dated tapi hancur bangas sudah

Wednesday 28 March 2012

nah...cheers dia bilang ni.....ntah apa isi tu galas dia....jangan jangan air suam ja kali...wakakakaka going to see Mr Patrick for blog/website things......going to be fun....

Good Morning

What is Life in the Morning?
Wake up and say good morning.
That's it!

aramai tiii